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Promoting Inclusion and Combating Discrimination in Care Settings

The Importance of Inclusion

Inclusive Environment: Inclusion ensures that every individual, irrespective of age, culture, need, race, gender, or disability, feels a sense of belonging and is treated with dignity and respect.

Organisational Responsibilities

Commitment to Equality: Organisations must actively promote human rights principles of equality, fairness, and autonomy, and provide care and support to individuals as a duty.

Ensuring Inclusive Practices

Understanding Differences: To provide inclusive and respectful care, it's essential to understand and recognize clients' differences by learning about their beliefs, culture, and preferences.

Challenging Discrimination

Promoting Inclusion: Individuals responsible for caring for others must challenge discrimination positively, ensuring that discriminatory remarks or behaviour are not tolerated.

Immediate Challenge: Discriminatory remarks or behaviour should be challenged immediately, preferably in a calm and professional manner, explaining why such behaviour is unacceptable and unlawful.

Changing Attitudes: Challenging discrimination aims to change attitudes and make individuals aware of the hurtful impact of their behaviour, fostering a culture of inclusion within the organisation.

Reporting Discrimination

Organisational Policies: Employees should familiarize themselves with company policies on reporting discrimination and seek guidance from managers or supervisors when necessary.