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Whistleblowing in the Workplace: Key Information

What is Whistleblowing?

In the workplace, whistleblowing typically occurs when an employee or worker discloses information to their employer or another responsible individual within the organisation.

Who is Considered a Worker?

A worker is usually an employee, but this definition also includes:

  • Agency workers
  • Individuals in training with the employer but not employed by them
  • Self-employed individuals who are supervised or working off-site
  • Professionals such as actuaries

Disclosure to Prescribed Persons

If a worker feels unable to disclose to their employer, they can report to a prescribed person. This is permitted under the following conditions:

  • They believe the employer will cover up the issue
  • They fear unfair treatment
  • They have previously disclosed to the employer and it was not properly addressed

Prescribed persons include:

  • The Health and Safety Executive
  • The Information Commissioner
  • The Certification Officer
  • The Environment Agency
  • The Secretary of State for Trade and Industry

Role of Employment Tribunals

Employment Tribunals are independent public bodies that handle issues such as unfair dismissal claims. In Northern Ireland, they are known as Industrial Tribunals.

Tribunal Powers

  • Reinstating employees
  • Awarding compensation

Protection Against Workplace Bullying

Employees can file claims against their employer or co-workers if they are bullied after making a disclosure.

New Regulations on Dishonesty

Under the new regulations, if it is found that the employee acted dishonestly, compensation can be reduced by 25%.