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Supporting Active Participation in Care: Importance and Considerations

Understanding Active Participation

Active participation in care involves regarding individuals as active partners in their own support or care, allowing them to participate in relationships and activities independently whenever possible.

Importance of Involvement

  • Recognising Individual Skills: Acknowledging that individuals using services possess different skills, abilities, and preferences is crucial for fostering active participation.
  • Promoting Engagement: Involving individuals in the delivery of their care, whether informally or through residents meetings or service user groups, encourages their active involvement.

Empowering Individuals to Make Choices

Supporting individuals in making their own choices requires providing them with comprehensive information about available options and potential consequences.

Understanding Risk

While allowing individuals to make their own choices may involve risk, it's essential to acknowledge their right to take risks, as avoiding risk entirely would restrict opportunities and choices.

Although risk is often perceived negatively, taking calculated risks can lead to beneficial outcomes. As new opportunities in health and social care emerge, it's important to consider and manage associated risks.